All About Jessenia

Jessenia is 7 years old in second grade and is a very kind, smart, beautiful little girl and the best big sister anybody could ask for. She has a 4-year-old little sister Isabela and a 2 year old little brother Sebastian. Jessenia enjoys reading, school, dance class, drawing, coloring and any kind of arts and crafts. She has always been a healthy active little girl until On February 11, 2009 our little Jessenia was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). This day was the day we entered the "Cancer World” The next 2 1/2 years for Jessenia will consist of chemotherapy, blood draws, transfusions, spinal taps, bone marrow testing, frequent visits to clinic and an unknown amount of hospital stays. Along with numerous physical changes swelling, hair loss, weight gain and weight loss depending on what stage she is in. We will also always be following her counts and our lives will revolve around these numbers. This just breaks our hearts to know that Jessenia will have to endure this long journey but we know God will help her win this battle one day at a time. And she will be a cancer survivor! Those of you lucky enough to have met Jessenia know that she is a very special little girl. She is wise beyond her years and possesses such a zest for learning and life. It's hard not to be taken in by her laugh, her smile, her eyes and her heart. I always tell Jessenia that I know she "is destined for greatness" and I truly believe that. I have to believe that this bump in the road will make her stronger, wiser, more determined and more loving than she already is (If you can believe that). She is resilient! I know she appreciates all of your support, love and prayers, as do we. - THANK YOU!

Jessenia's Medical Expense Fund/Donations:
If you would like to help with medical expenses we will forever be grateful but money is not all, we also need your continued prayers. You can donate to any Central Bank Branch and just mention - Jessenia Zavala's Medical Fund.

Love - Raul, Vicky, Jessenia, Isabela & Sebastian Zavala

Jessenia also has another website we have placed a link under follow Jessenia's care. You can follow her progress and her day to day long road to being a cancer survivor.

Leave Jessenia a message!!

Jessenia's Update: October 30, 2009

Hello friends and family of the Zavala Family,My name is Dorothy and for those of you who don't know me, I to have a child with leukemia, in Februray Vicky reached out to me for some advice and in doing so we have become good friends and very close so I offered to post for her while Jessenia is in the hospital, I call her daily so this is what I got today.

On Monday Jessenia started to complain of some back pain, Vicky gave her some medicine that night and on Tuesday morning it seemed better Tuesday afternoon Jessenia called Vicky from school that her back was hurting again and she went and picked up Jessenia from school and had to give her more pain medicine and throughout that night it seemed like they couldn't stay on top of the pain! Wednesday morning Jessenia seemed to be much worse and was hurting so bad and could hardly walk, Vicky called clinic and explained to them what was going on and they told her to bring her to clinic. When they got to clinic they could see that Jessenia was in so much pain, you couldn't even touch her the pain was so intense. After several blood tests they were reassured that Jessenia's counts looked really good and said she probably just had the flu! Vicky still being very concerned because Jessenia had no flu symptons they returned home.

Less than two hours later Jessenia woke up in such bad pain and it was not even time to give another dose of pain medication!! Vicky called the clinic again and they decided that they wanted them to return to Primary Childrens to observe Jessenia overnight. Vicky arrived at Primary Childrens around 5:00 pm assuming that they were just going to monitor Jessenia, after Raul had already left the hospital they did not admit her immediately they had Vicky check into the ER where they began to do several more tests!!! They did more blood test, CT scan & MRI at approx 1:00 am they ER doctor came in to tell Vicky that they found abnormal spots on the MRI that was concerning! They told her that the cancer could have spread to the spine or spinal menagitis!

To receive this news being all alone Vicky was very frustrated that they had sent her home earlier that day knowing how much pain her precious little girl was in and to even think that her cancer may have returned she felt extremely scared, overwhelmed and asking WHY????

Thursday morning they came in and told Vicky that the spinal fluid looked good and they didn't think that the cancer had spread to her spine! Several doctors had been in to see her that day and one doctor wanted more tests and the other doctor was saying she is fine her blood work looks great! They decided to do a bone marrow aspirate to check for Leukemia cells and a spinal tap to also check for Leukemia. About a hour later the family received the news that Jessnia's cancer has returned!!!

This is very concerning to the doctors because Jessenia is still in treatment and had just started maintenance so this is considered a Early Bone Marrow Relapse High Risk.The doctors are very concerned that she has relapsed in early maintenance but are very positive on the next step they need to take. Jessenia will start a new chemo plan that will last approx. 3 months and they are hoping that she goes into remission within 30 days. Vicky has meet with the bone marrow team and they are planning on having her two little kids tested to see if they will be a match for precious Jessenia.

Jessenia will receive intense chemo for the next 3 months and will be receiving a bone marrow transplant when the blast cells are gone! Jessenia is still in extreme pain and so at this point there is no word of when they will be allowed to go home.

Jessenia started her first day of her new treatmen today, she is still weak and although Vicky has seen an a little improvement she had a very difficult day today with chemo, spinal tap, and bone marrow aspiration needless to say they needs our prayers.

For those of you that know the family they had there make a wish trip scheduled to Disney World and was leaving on Wednesday we pray that Jessie is well soon to go on her wish trip.The Zavala Family needs everyones prayers that Jessenia will respond well to treatment!!!

We need to continue to have trust in him and give this family strength and power to carry them through this journey. I will keep you posted .

Thank you and God Bless

Jessenia's Update: November 4, 2009

Hello Friends & Family of the Zavala Family,

I just got off the phone with Vicky and I'm not really sure where to start, I'm going to try and give you all the information I know its not the same as having Vicky post but please understand it's very hard for her to put it all into words right now!

So as you all know that Raul & Vicky's precious little girl Jessenia has relapsed and its called a EARLY BONE MARROW RELAPSE right now there is 3 important factors.
1. That Jessenia is in remission within 30 days
2. That they find a very close bone marrow donor match(Preferabally Siblings)
3. No complications or severe infections due to low counts

DAY 1 Friday October 30, 2009 -

Jessenia was still in alot of pain and they were giving her morphine around the clock this was a very long day for everyone cause this was the first day of another journey. Jessenia's day consisted of very intense treatment.

1. spinal tap - they inject the needle and take a sample of the spinal fluid to check for leukemia cells and the amount of fluid they take out the put the same amount of methotrexate back into the spine.
2. methotrexate - chemo in the spine
3. bone marrow aspirate - they take a sample of the bone marrow which looks like really thick blood to check for blast cells and to see if she is responding to the chemo this is how they check to see if the chemo is working.
4. prednisone - oral pill for 30 days
5. vincristine - chemo through port
6. doxorubicin - chemo through port
7. dexrazoxare - chemo through port
8. epratuzunab - chemo through port

DAY 2 Saturday October 31, 2009

ANC 5200
HEM 26

Jessenia woke up with a little pain but by the afternoon she completely out of pain :) She did receive chemo - Peg shots. Jessenia had a pretty good day she was feeling good and had fun doing some halloween crafts. As you will notice Jessenia's counts look pretty good but because of the intense treatment you will see her numbers drop but what we want is for them not to drop to low because then they will have to stop treatment and right now the next 30 days are very crucial.

1. Peg Shots - This is a chemo shot they inject into both legs at the same time

ANC - Absoulate Neutrophil Count / This number tell us if the body can fight Infection.
Avg 1.5 - 8.5 If its below .5 (500) Isolation you cant leave your hospital room .
HEM - Hematocrit / Carries oxygen to the body.
Below 25 Is low and she will need a blood transfusion.
PLAT - Platelets / Helps the blood clot.
Normal 150 - 400 Low - In the teens and she will receive a platelet transfuion.


DAY 3 Sunday November 1, 2009

ANC 2500
HEM 26

Jessenia was feeling really good this day she was completely off the morphine, she was able to leave her room and go on a few walks. She still doesn't have much of a appetitie and ate very little. On Day 3 her counts looked pretty good her hematocrit is a little low and they will watch this closely.

DAY 4 Monday November 9, 2009

ANC 1100
HEM 29

Jessenia is still feeling pretty good as far as pain but feeling a little tired and this is probably because of the low hematocrit, she still doesn't have much of an appetite hopefully the steroids will kick in to help increase her appetitie.

Jessenia did have a big suprise today her little sister Isabela and her little brother Sebastian came to visit her, the hospital made an acception due to no children under 14 being allowed in the hospital. This made Jessenia's day she was so happy to see them!! But while they were visiting Vicky had to take them down to have there blood drawn to see if they will be a bone marrow match for there amazing big sister, they will receive the results in about 2 weeks and were asking PLEASE PRAY THAT ONE OF THEM ARE A MATCH FOR JESSENIA!!!

Vicky had a very stressful day she had several meeting with doctors to talk about what to expect in the days to come. There is a small possibility they will be going home in between treatments depending if Jessenia is feeling ok, her counts & no complications. The next 30 days are very crucial and is going to determins the total outcome of her treatament.

On Day 15 they will do another bone marrow aspirate to check for leukemia cells and see if she is responding. On Day 30 she will receive another bone marrow aspirate and we all are praying by this point there will be no blast cells and Jessenia is in remission!!!! They could be in the hospital for months at a time with a small window of them going home this all depends on how Jessenia responds to the intense treatments.

I hope this information helps out all of the caring friends and family members, I tried to explain in detail as much as possible, when you start to type all this information it just comes out it makes sense to me and Vicky but to others it probably is very overwhelming.

The Zavala Family needs everyones prayers that Jessenia will respond well to treatment and the Isabela or Sebastian will be a bone marrow match for precious Jessenia!!!We need to continue to have trust in him and give this family strength and power to carry them through this journey. I will keep you posted.

Thank you and God Bless
Dorothy Vigil

This is why CANCER Fears Me....

I will conquer this journey step by step
Cancer won't take my spirit away
I will always sing my song
I will grow up and fulfill my dreams,
no matter how hard the path is
I will love deeper
I will smile more
I will fear nothing
I will live stronger
I will always be remembered
I know I will never be the same
I will be wiser
I will be stronger
I will be a better person
I will celebrate my life!

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